Posts Tagged ‘foods with wine’

Do not just drink your spirits. Eat them!

December 2, 2008

I love to experiment with spirits. Taking in an occasional whiskey straight, up or a nice glass or red wine with my steak, just hits the spot at times. I have fond memories of me, myself, and I enjoying many a glass of Crown Reserve. The other night while enjoying a St. Pauli beer with some bratwurst I started to think back to my time in Germany. Friends of the family that lived there used to make these wonderful dishes that were, ofcourse, made with beer. Anyways, I got to thinking that I would like to enjoy some alcohol infused foods this week, and so my latest experiment began.

As Cpt. BarBlog, I felt it my duty to find the most valuble alcohol involved recipe source available. My search led me from google, to the local bookstore, and eventually, to Dan Peter’s book titled “Here’s To Good Food”. While the internet offered a few interesting recipes, I found this book to be a terrific source of foods made with alcohol.

The book breaks down recipes by beer, wine, vodka and whiskey, tequila and rum, cordials, liqueurs, and punches. This is perfect for my enjoy a beer one night, and wine the other, routine. Now I can look up exactly what I want, when I want. The first recipe I tried was the Hungry Hungarian’s Goulash. Being Hungarian myself and having lived there half my life, I felt this was my perfect chance to put this book to the test. The dish was fabulous!

Now having made multiple recipes from this book I can finally give it Cpt. BarBlog’s official seal of approval. If you want to impress someone with your cooking skills, try alcohol in a whole new light, or just experiment with different taste buds, then give this book a try. Here’s To Good Food is a great addition to any bartender’s arsenal. The book is inexpensive and you can get one now by visiting

Egeszsegedre (Popular Hungarian Toast)